Neuro -Physical -Rehabilitation
David Howard
For The First Time in Norwich


Learn To Listen To Your Body So You Can Heal Yourself
What's it all about

Having the knowledge of how to rid the system of detrimental systematic flaws can bring about dramatic effect on the human body. Neural Healing Training gives you all the knowledge you will ever need to get control over these afflictions and moving forward - create a more open, robust (better able to adapt to any new changeable environmental stimulus ) system, to give the system - integrity ( the information you need to achieve any task without creating excess stress/noise in the system )! At the end of the day it is all about information processing! When the body/brain system has all the information it needs to carry out a function and the flow of information is clear and precise, the system doesn't need to stress and downstream lessens the chances of engaging the fear mechanism. Neural Healing Training is a set of simple exercises and protocols done in a super relaxed environment which allows you to take on stimulus from the environment and not have it create excess stimulus/stress/energy in the system. Learning how to achieve this greatly reduces the amount of stress and fear you will have roaming around in your body/brain system. Neural Healing Training is something you"ll have the rest of your life to help get you through the hard times!